This option will consist of one single performance.
Ideal for entire group(s) and limited time slots.
Lasting 40 min long.
Times can vary or alter if desired.
Action packed, Interactive, Motivational Speaking, Inspiring advice & Knowledge. (e.g Healthy Lifestyles “Drug Free”, Anti-Bullying, Success & Goals, Education, and more!)
Able to incorporate any messages that might be desired.
This option will consist of 2, 3, or more performances. (Extra Cost Involved)
For example, if having smaller groups is ideal.
Lasting 40 min long each.
Times can vary or alter if desired.
Action packed, Interactive, Motivational Speaking, Inspiring advice & Knowledge. (e.g Healthy Lifestyles “Drug Free”, Anti-Bullying, Success & Goals, Education, and more!)
Able to incorporate any messages that might be desired.
As long as you want some BMX entertainment, I can do my BEST to meet whatever needs you might have in mind.
Please just let us know, and we’ll go from there.

Bringing you a ONE-of-a-kind BMX Show EXPERIENCE!